So what (does all of this suggest)?


Given the above, how does it affect things? What's the metaphysics of it? The reason I ask is that if it didn't have any real-world practical application then Sliver Theory wouldn't be worth its salt. So what I'll do is go through the blog, edit as I go, and jump back and forth (to this last section) as discussion points come to mind. I'll post paragraphs as they suggest themselves.

Unfavorable outcome sensitization. Too aware of the downstream sliver sets with poor results. Say the norm is 95%. And that it is possible to reduce that to 96, 97, or even 98% Thereby saving yourself 10, 20, or 30. But that you use 50 in the effort, for a net overall loss. 

I'm frightened of imperfection. But by definition, the state of perfection is a single sliver. Every other state is therefore imperfect. SO anything you can do at any 'time' is to make a move in roughly the right direction.

I feel that equanimity is a worthwhile life goal. How could that be explained using Sliver Theory?

Given this consciousness vehicle, what can I be?

Thought arises FROM chance. It is a result of it. As for thchange, it cannot be a time thing. Therefore being IS doing.

Acting in the zone I believe is when you proceed from the position that you are the entire universe, not an isolated bit struggling against other bits.

From meditation, I get that we try to remain still. But there is also a drive to be in motion. BOTH are fine; we shouldn't fight against moving. These two drives are in dynamic tension. It's like riding a surfboard, riding a bicycle, driving a car. 

Also , the vector idea describes what we are able to achieve. We have free will to act, but the sliver has a 'lean' in a direction, and the influence of that needs factoring in i.e. the 3 + 4 + 5 right-agle triangle thing.

Before I forget:

Think of a sliver as a rectangle. It will have a centre of consciousness. That COC will want to 'grow' i.e. increase its consciousness. That will cause it to be attracted to slivers with an increased COC. But also will be acting pulls from gravity, thermodynamics etc. They act together with the COC growth direction to produce a vector. 3,4,5 triangle. Now, COC 'growth' has two components. It wishes simulataneous ly to be calm and stable. At the same time it wishes to have experience. The combined result is a pull toward movement with stability as with riding a surfbpard.

Data/evidence to suggest: Assming that centres of consciousness tend to travel in the same universe, it should be possibel to statistically fidetermnge the average absolute difference in year of death, comparing people who remain married and those who divorced.

Why assume that there is only a singl copy of every sliver (if atoms are all identical)? Also, there must be multiple centres of consciousness within a sliver, cause otherwise how could they connect/communicate/have a relationship? (SInce there is no intersection between slivers)