Who is Pete Townshend?

Who is Pete Townshend? (or anyone, really)

The question of the existence of other beings in a universe where all is supposed to be one is a gnarly one. How do other people - if they are not all figments of my imagination - fit it?

Let's pick on Pete, Pete Townshend. He is far enough removed from me, my family, friends, and aquaintances. I've heard of the man. I've seen footage of him being interviewed. I've listened to his music. But I've never actually met the man and shaken his had, let alone been inside his mind. It's conceivable that he isn't real.

But I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm going to go with the notion that Pete is like me. He too must be is a set of slivers, linearly arranged. He is made of the same stuff, but is mostly a separate being. There does not exist the relationship beween his slivers and mine of the type that his all share with each other, and mine all share with each other. I'm tending toward a minor analogy: that we are two suits of slivers in a shuffled deck of playing cards.

Although we are separate, there is some form of relationship - a weaker one. Our two sets, both part of the superset, do intersect, as it were. We would truly be separate sets if I had never heard of the man, listened to his music, heard stories in the news about his activities, spoken with others about him, or read his autobiography.

So I am going to suggest that to the degree to which you know about another being, share the person's space and historicity, communicate, and form relationships - there are connections or bonds between their slivers set and yours.