My Big TOE

During the latter part of his life, Albert Einstein was trying to tie all his work together with a grand, all encompassing framework of physics, or T.O.E. (Theory of Everything). He never managed that. Others too have had a go. Personally, I've attempted it twice.

My first effort, completed in 2012, took the thought-experiment route. I asked myself a series of 'what-if' questions. That led to Will? I Am! - my theo-ry of everythink. However, that endeavor didn't fully satisfy me. I wanted to develop my ideas further.  

It isn't necessary to go through what I wrote then. You may skip it with no negative consequences. But, just as with Flatland, it may help get you into the right frame of mind. It may throw some light upon the evolution of my metaphysics.

So if you'd care to take a little detour . . .

If not, all you need to know is that I came up with a couple of conclusions (which I've already mentioned). I decided to accept that: 
  1. All is one
  2. Time does not exist
Now, these notions may seem fairly humdrum. People have paid lip service to either or both of them. However, no one - as far I can tell - has fully considered all of their ramifications. Consequently, I have taken it upon myself to fashion a self-consistent and coherent worldview based on those two axioms. They, together with the Sliver Model, I amalgamate into my latest big TOE.