What's the narrative of the Sliver Model?


We'll use the monkey-typed book analogy here.

What is a story? It is a narrative of something that could happen. We are used to seeing in in the form of a book, with the features of that format. A book has a structure. There's usually a beginning, middle, and end. A book, or novel, has conventions. It is written in a particular language with the alphabet, spelling, and grammar of that language. 

Of all the stories you'd write, only some would manage to follow all of the rules. The vocabulary is correct, as is the spelling and meaning. The sentences are grammatically correct, and they have individual meaning. The meta-meaning makes sense. The plot has a form. The characters are well-integrated. They feel and act according to their character.

I see all stories starting at one point: the entropic beginning, or an anti-black hole. From that point, that sliver, they radiate outward. Their final point must be somewhere on a sphere of zero entropy.

Imagine the situation. You have your gallery (proofs?) of all monkey-generated arrangements. From those, you cull all of the gibberish. What is left are the sliver chains that reach from the midpoint to the edge. They are all possible narratives. 

And just as a book exists as one item (although the pages may be numbered) there's no time to it. The whole story exists. You may experience it as an unfolding occurrence, but in reality, the pages don't actually have to turn.