No theory can ever be proven. All that you can do is submit it to scrutiny and see if it breaks down. If it doesn't, it's worth hanging onto. If it does, you'd then replace it with something better. Now, I'm not saying that Atomic theory is wrong - just that it is incomplete, an approximation. It may need complementation.
Atomic theory originated in ancient Greece/India. It forms the backbone of our physical sciences. It has without doubt led us to manipulate the external world in all sorts of useful ways - employing Physics and Chemistry - but it hasn't helped us to understand ourselves on a deeper level. It hasn't done much to explain our essential nature. It suggests nothing about the meaning of life, for instance.
I'd like to conjure up the Sliver Model to sit alongside the Atomic Model. It has the potential, I suspect, to have a very great impact. Not on Science, necessarily, but on society. In a metaphysical sense. So I invite the reader to test it out and try it on for size.
My aim here is to realize the world from my own point of view. I'll blog about it to refine my ideas (and hang onto them lest one day my thinking grows dim).