Philosophical enquiry

With the Atomic Model we may usefully study the relationships between and within atoms. It allows scientists the opportunity to understand and gain a measure of control over electrical, gravitonic, nucleonic, and nuclear forces. And so Science advances.

The Sliver Model, on the other hand, could advance our understanding of the metaphysical universe if we consider the relationships between its components, and help us make progress in a metaphysical sense.

 Therefore it may be constructive to pose questions such as the following:
  1. Is there evidence for slivers?
  2. What is the periodic table equivalent for slivers?
  3. Do slivers obey the laws of nature?
  4. How would the universe work from a Sliver Model perspective?
  5. What's time then?
  6. What is now?
  7. Why does time seem one-way?
  8. What is the past, and where has it gone?
  9. What is the future?
  10. What is consciousness with respect to the Sliver Model?
  11. Where does consciousness reside?
  12. What is life?
  13. What is birth?
  14. What is death?
  15. What is memory?
  16. What is thought?
  17. What happens when we concentrate?
  18. What are planning and premonition?
  19. What does free will consist of?
  20. What really occurs when things happen?
  21. What does it mean to take action?
  22. What is the significance of childhood?
  23. What are growth and aging?
  24. What happens when we sleep?
  25. What are dreams?
  26. What happens when we meditate?
  27. What narrative can be built around the Sliver Model?
  28. Do we share a history?
  29. Who am I?
  30. Who is Pete Townshend?
  31. Who are you?
  32. Are humans special?
  33. What about God, then?
  34. What's the difference between good and evil?
  35. What is the meaning of life?
  36. What is the purpose of life?
  37. What's our mission?
  38. What does Sliver Theory say about religion?
  39. How about the Big Bang?